Sunday, January 28, 2007

To Grandma with Love

We miss you, we love you and we will always try and keep in touch where ever in the world we are!!! Grandma, it was great to talk to you today! I hope you are feeling better and maintain your good health!

My Grandma is 82 years old, she is an amazing woman who has lived her life to the fullest. She has taught me a lot over the years and I love her dearly! I will miss visiting you in Virgil while I am gone. Your cooking is the best and your company even better! I know you wont ever read this, you dont have a computer, but that's not going to stop me from writing. And yes, I will send you postcards like you've requested! I think the last time I sent a postcard was to you... Who does that anymore??? Hahaha... So with all my love, I hope to see you again soon!

Your Grandson,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandma says thank you for thinking of her and was wondering when she was going to get a postcard. So she did get to read it - sort of.